Success Stories

Safety Harbor Community Church

Location: Safety Harbor, Florida

Safety Harbor Community Church in Safety Harbor, Florida, is a community of generous and faithful Christ followers. Through the generosity of their congregants and a partnership with National Covenant Properties, they were able to purchase their current church building in the heart of downtown Safety Harbor. Their property spans almost an entire city block, and has become a light for the community and destination to locals and visitors alike. When Andrew Larson began serving the church as pastor six years ago, the congregation was roughly 40 people with a nearly nonexistent children’s ministry program. Today, the congregation size has more than doubled and Harbor Kids is a thriving ministry.

Andrew was quick to state that their building is a ministry tool. In 2021, Safety Harbor received a call from a local teacher who wanted to start a preschool, but didn’t have a location. The community needed an affordable preschool, and Safety Harbor had the space and a prime location to house it. The preschool opened their doors in early 2021 with three classes and has now expanded to five classes two years later. Although the preschool is not a direct ministry of the church, the relationship has been a gift to both the church and the local community. The Harbor Kids’ space has been renovated without an impact to the church’s budget and, the community now has a state-funded preschool program two blocks from the local elementary school that is open 7:30 – 5:30 five days per week.

On Christmas Eve in 2020 when most people worshiped from home, Andrew decided to set up a TV and some chairs on the front steps of the church so those who were uncomfortable being in the building could still worship in person. (The perks of Florida weather in December.) Over two years later, there are still 10-15 people at church on the steps each Sunday. The TV has also drawn people in as they walk to the farmer’s market or yoga. Some of those passersby are now active members of the church. The stoop worship is part of the ethos of Safety Harbor; to be present and to be faithful. Each Sunday the church shares a meal in their fellowship hall after service to be in community and eat together. Although their service ends at 11, the parking lot and building remain full until after 1 pm.

NCP has been a partner of Safety Harbor for years. Rob Hall, vice president of real estate services, or the “NCP folk hero” as he is known by the church, has been a source of wisdom and guidance for years. Andrew stated that they are “so so grateful for Rob, we wouldn’t be in our building without his assistance and knowledge. It makes a huge difference having a lender that is our ministry partner, not a traditional bank.” Together we are weaving the fabric of ministry for generations to come.

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